Wednesday, May 11, 2016

A Stroll Around Paris

As we had seen plenty of Paris on our last visit here, we had no real objective for the day other than to wander around...and to get over our jet-lag. We started with a quick visit to Montparnasse station to get our bearings for tomorrow and from there, found ourselves in a local street market.

After that we made a brief visit to the Cimetiere du Montparnasse to find my first Geocache for this holiday before setting off in the general direction of Champ de Mars and the Eiffel Tower. 

Having walked quite a long way...Paris does that to is a very easy place to just wander...we caught a bus to Le Jardin du Luxembourg, near where we stayed on our last visit. We bought lunch nearby and enjoyed a picnic in the park...until it started to rain. Not raining heavily enough to worry us, we wandered on to the Pantheon. When we visited Paris last, it was being restored and the dome was shrouded in scaffolding. With the work complete, this time we were able to see the building's exterior. 

Our wandering then took us down past the Sorbonne to the River Seine and Notre Dame. Here I found another cache before we started back towards our hotel. 

As the rain was now starting to get a little heavier, we opted for the Metro. This turned out to be a good idea as the rain was pouring down by the time we got off...fortunately just outside our hotel door. After a rest...make that a sleep...we went out for dinner. Spoilt for choice, we had a pleasant meal at Cafe Odessa nearby. Somewhat exhausted, it was back to our hotel for a well deserved out Fitbits recorded us of having walked 13.5 kilometres today!

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