Saturday, May 21, 2016

Into the French Alps

It was time to leave Lyon even though we could have easily spent another day or two there...because today we were off to the French Alps...Chamonix and Mont Blanc to be precise. Our morning started with a walk through another pop-up market...this time it was one that had appeared right outside our hotel...before taking a tram across Lyon to Lyon Part Deui station for the first of three trains to Chamonix.

With only a couple of minor getting in the wrong half of a train that divides (but fortunately finding out before it was to late) and getting off the train at the wrong Chamonix station (fortunately they are pretty close together and we could walk the difference)...we made it to our hotel. We were told we have their best room...and I wouldn't argue with that.

1 comment:

  1. Love those mountains.......:) and the weather looks great too.
    Are you going to try that 'move' in the picture above your bed?
